Methods Of Grain size Determination

LineIntercept Method:
  1. Draw a series of lines on the image
  2. For the 1st line identify the no. of times that line intersects a grain boundary and count the total no. of intersections.
  3. Repeat the process for all the lines..
  4. Each line is treated as measurements of grain size.
  5. Measure the real length of the lines used (Using small bar or magnification of Image).
  6. For each line, divide the total length by the no. of grain boundaries to get total linear intercept length..
  7. These linear intercept length are summed, and divided by the total no.of lines to get the mean linear intercept length.
  8. The difference of linear intercept length is calculated and squared.
  9. This date is then used to calculate the standard deviation of the measurements using the given equation.
  10. By knowing the standard deviation, we can determine the distribution of grains in photomicrograph.